Maritn Place - Opening Day
19th August 2024

The southern-most teal station sign on platform 3

Look north from the southern-end of platform 3

The station name engraved into a wall in the middle section of the platforms

Look south from the northern-end of platform 4

The entrance to the walkway connecting the Metro platforms to the Sydney Trains platforms

The landing area at the top of the escalators up to the Sydney Trains platforms, with a red lift in the distance

The gateway to the Sydney Trains platforms viewed from the Metro side

Down the walkways to the Sydney Trains platforms, looking towards the Metro platforms

The entrance to the Metro platforms from the Sydney Trains platforms, with a sign hanging from the ceiling showing directions to the platforms

Immediately outside the Opal gates towards the Hunter Street exit

Immediately outside the Opal gates towards the Hunter Street exit, looking back towards the gates

Muru Giligu, the walkway connecting the Martin Place and Hunter Street exits, walking towards the Martin Place exit

A sign describing Muru Giligu, with a QR code for more information

Immediately outside the Opal gates towards the Martin Place exit, looking back towards the gates

A closed-off walkway that, once open, will connect the Metro concourse with the Sydney Trains concourse

The top of the escalators up towards the Martin Place exit, with a sign on pillar supports showing bus connections

The main gateway into the Martin Place entrance, as viewed from Castlereagh Street

The Metro and Sydney Trains lollipop signs hanging to the right, and station name lettering to the left

The view north along Castlereagh Street, just outside the Martin Place exit

The view south along Castlereagh Street, with the main station building taking most of the frame

The view south along Castlereagh Street, with the main station building just to the left
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